Collision of the William Campbell and Brigand Ships,
Twenty Eight Lives Lost.
You feeling hearted people I hope you'll lend an ear,
Wile I relate these mournful lines, in grief you soon shall hear,
The dangers of the ocean and this we all must own,
That either on land or sea the hoe of death must come.
On the 27th of April eighteen fifty eight,
We left Greenock harbour not dreaming such a fate,
On board the William Campbell for to plough the raging main
Along with their brave captain and Sivell was his name.
We had only got to George's Channel not dreaming any ill,
When the steamer Brigand was coming from Bristol,
With passengers and crew, and cargo likewise,
Making her way in the salt sea for the bonnie banks of Clyde.
But oh, fates so uncertain enough to make one shock,
The Brigand the Campbell struck, and foundered on the spot,
And they wer split asunder while many now do weep,
And 28, its greatly feared lie buryed in the deep.
In the ship William Campbell, alas seven men was drown'd,
They have left some poor widows, whose sorrows dose abound
And likewise little orphans who bitterly do weep,
Their fathers now are lifeless corpse in bottom of the deep.
Alas! the Steamer Brigand with passengers and crew,
Has lost 21 out of their gallant few,
Their fathers and mothers lament their sad fate,
With widows and orphans whose grief is very great.
Good people give attention, to these verses penned here,
And pity wives and parents that sheds the briney tear,
May kind heaven be the comforter and ease the troubled mind
Of parents wives and children, that are now left behind.