Building Houses (again)

Sketch of new house We built two houses: first a single story 800 sq.ft. home, then a 1400 sq. ft. house, which has a second floor over the center section. It is all windows, with winter solar gain, and very thick insulation. We moved from the small to the larger house in 2010, then worked on it some more, of course! And also slowly removed the temporary kitchen and cleared the smaller house to make it all art studio, work space, & storage. In 2015 we replaced the large but minimal storage shed (it served us well during construction but less well long term) with very deluxe insulated storage shed on a concrete foundation: no more damp drippy storage, plus a tiny cute "outhouse" for MJ's road cruising motor scooter & our two bicycles!

As you may note from photos below, the finished house differs just a bit from the early concept sketch at right!

studio interior in transition from home to art spaceStudio for real
The Studio has made the transition from home to art space!

New deluxe storage shedEast view

finishing the siding on the house

Space saving spiral stairs make it a challenge to get furniture upstairs to the guest space & office.
Studio photo w/finished siding!
We have lived here for a year now, and the outside is complete (minus a downspout). The inside lacks some doors & trim...

Siding in progress on the house
The siding is going on the house this month (3/2010)! Yeah! The center "box/section" is brown, but there will be the zincalume corrugated on each side "box".

We have built our new studio and house from SIPs (structural insulated panels). The two buildings are one on each of two 50'x100' lots. This is my art studio, and a garage for Michael's latest sports vehicle.

Site and floorplans
Walk round the studio here!
Watch the House go together here!